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Safeguarding Leads

Safeguarding contacts at iCollege

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Faye Miller (Assistant Headteacher-Safeguarding Well-being)


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs):

All Units - Jo Farley (Co-Head/Assistant Head Teacher Behaviour, Attendance and Community)


All Units - Emma Dodridge (Inclusion Manager -secondary)



Inspiration KS1 & 2 Siobhan Harvey (Lead Teacher)

 01635 877114   07340942165


Integration KS3 & 4 

Pietro Framalicco (Lead Teacher)  

Abby Ward (Pastoral HLTA) 

01189416636   07733083136


Intervention YR 9 & 10

Helen Blunn (Lead Teacher) uk

Carolyn Smith (Pastoral HLTA)

 01635 49397   07585044563


Independence YR11  &  KS5 

Angie Palmer (Lead Teacher)

Marie Lacoste (Pastoral HLTA)

01635 48872  07426430968


POD Y4-8 Rachel Silverthorne (Primary Inclusion Manager)

 01635 522748


POD Plus  Y7-9 Ian Jones (Lead teacher)

 01635 243208


Impact Y7-8

Abby Ward (SEMH Practitioner)

01635 953294


Safeguarding Governor: Maureen Sims